onboARd - an employee onboarding mobile app
- VK (formerly known as Mail.ru group) is a major technology company. VK and OK social networks and Warface, Armored Warfare, Skyforge, Allods Online, ArcheAge, Perfect World and Lost Ark are just a part of its assets
- Employee training solution
- Mobile application development
- AR-infused employee onboarding mobile app
Project Info
Freshen the approach to the new employees onboarding, make it engaging and less boring. Gamify the process of learning the key details about the company, its office building, accessibility, security rules, and even to introduce employees to the popular mobile games developed by the company.
We utilized Augmented Reality to help employees to navigate through the office building using a scavenger hunt like experience. Gamification and augmented reality created a new learning format in a physical office space, making it a hit for the younger generation of IT corporation employees.

Key Features
- Ability to project favorite game characters to an office space
- A scavenger hunt list to complete office onboarding by taking selfies or characters’ pictures in the specific spots
- A leaderboard with achievements and scores
- Rewards for completing onboarding tasks
- Info portal providing information about the company, its values, and products
- Quizzes and tests
New employees collect points when successfully passing quizzes and tests. All the necessary information is either provided within the app, or should be found in the office when employee follows the instructions provided by the app.

Scavenger Hunt
Follow instructions to find specific spots in the office. Take a picture of this place with an AR character of your choice and score points to climb up the leaderboard.