Dixy — Look, dinosaurs!
- Dixy is Russia’s third largest food retail company. The Moscow-based company and its subsidiaries specialize in sale of food and everyday products. DIXY is a subsidiary of DKBR MEGA RETAIL GROUP LIMITED.
- Brand loyalty & engagement
- Digital storytelling
- Virtual & Augmented Reality App
- Mobile games
- Custom 3D characters and locations
- Android and iOS AR Apps
- Print-outs
- Cardboard VR design
Project Info
Dixy approached us to design an engaging interactive AR / VR experience to apeal to the youngest customers group and their parents in order to promote the image of a family- and budget-friendly groceries store chain. They wanted to provide their customers with a lasting experience that will brng joy to the entire family.
With each purchase, customers received a set of AR/VR activation cards.
Using the custom application we built for this marketing campaign, customers were able to scan the cards and unlock one of 20 unique dinosaurs and learn some cool facts about them. Players then could either play with up to 6 dinosaurs in AR (projected to the cards), or take a dip into the virtual reality to see these dinos playing in the prehistoric wild.
We have also created custom designs for the cardboard VR helmet that were provided to the customers at the store.
This way, participants could play in both real life and in virtual reality.
Social Media
In addition to that, Dixy also ran a promo contest for the best selfie with the dinosaur, which became extremely popular among customers of all ages. The selfie feature was also built into the app.
Social Sharing
It was also important to provide a seamless social sharing capability in the app. Given how much kids love dinosaurs, social sharing became a huge contributor to the success of this campaign!